Our goal is to be one of the main companies who offers services to the mining industry
After closing their first grand contract with the mining industry, we aim to expand our project portfolio across 2023. On top of that, we want to focus on facility management, which will boost our growth in 2023.
Equans Perú, a company that offers solutions to encourage energetic, industrial and digital transitions, has a new objective for 2023: to be recognized as one of the main companies that provides services to the mining industry in Perú.
This year, Equans managed to close their first grand contract with South America’s biggest gold-bearing mine. “These last few years we have been focused on achieving our goals within different sectors, our entry to the mining sector is a new challenge as it is a sector in which we have a great interest to keep on positioning our solutions. A proof of that is our most recent and biggest contract within the sector to build power transmission lines”, states Milangelo Moncada, Chief Commercial Officer de Equans in Perú.
The project will comprehend 18.9 km of power transmission lines that will provide energy to a mining complex located in the northen highlands of the country, signifying a high investment that contemplates activities from the engineering to the startup phase.
Equans focuses on three fundamental axes when proposing solutions: security, quality and the proper methodology to execute a project. Even though we will keep developing our other business divisions such as transmission within the electrical sector, it will also aim to expand in other areas, specially in the mining sector.
According to Moncada, the most notable opportunity resides in boosting infrastructure management through facility management, a mining division that Equans will reinforce by 2023, moving from a traditional maintenance to an integral management known as facility management, which includes general services as well as auxiliary and complementary systems (hard facility).

“ Unlike mining, infrastructure segments like airports, banking, ports or real state have gone through significant development. In Equans, we are hoping to standardize this concept within all our areas of operation, as well as promote advancements in facility manager by being part of the Inacal’s technical committee, which leads the development of technical regulations at a national level and is a committee we are proud to be a part of as it means a big step for our country. ”
“Usually one does 15 or more contracts individually through different services, but by having an integral management savings, improvements and order is generated as a result. It’s not solely hard facility (maintenance of air conditioning, smart building, auxiliary services or electrical substations), it is also soft facility, which includes cleaning, landscaping or gardening; we can do both”, adds the executive.
Moncada, also reminds that they are close to getting the ISO 41000 certification, making them the second company in South America to obtain one. When it comes to challenges in mining, the executive points out that facility management goes through an adaptation process. “At Equans we want to be the first to implement facility management in the mining sector, hoping that many other companies come on board and join this innovation trend in infrastructure management and for us to be the pioneers in segments such as retail, airports, ports or banking”, says Moncada.
The endeavor to implement multitechnical services comes from way back, proven by how Equans pioneered solutions based on solar energy. To Moncada, the path of back then is similar to that of mining today, comparable due to the lack of knowledge of the benefits of a new approach.
“Each day, more companies of the sector join the commitment towards sustainability and development of the community, implementing innovative projects that can go from solar roofs in operation bases to rural electrification thanks to photovoltaic systems, among other activities Equans have been developing for almost three years,” the Chief Commercial Officer mentions.
We want to reach the ten main mining companies of the country and we will take part of concessions regarding different services. This goes hand in hand with the demand said companies have made, according to Moncada, as they need more electrical networks and multitechnical maintenance, which goes along Equans proposal: operational continuity of mining projects.
About Equans
Equans is a world leader in energy services with nearly 100,000 employees, working in more than 50 countries hubs and an annual turnover of over 17 billion euros. Equans designs, installs and provides customised solutions to improve the technical equipments, systems and processes of its clients and to optimize their use through their energy, industrial and digital transitions. Thanks to a strong territorial footprint through historical local brands and an excellent technical know-how in their clients’ businesses, Equans highly-qualified experts are able to support territories, cities, industries, buildings in HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), Cooling and Fire protection, Facility Management, Digital & ICT, Electrical, Mechanical & Robotics.