IMPACT, Equans' CSR approach
Equans' CSR approach is based on 7 strong and structuring commitments, summarized in the IMPACT manifesto.
Our environmental and social issues are part of our global performance challenges:
- Commitments for a positive impact on the environment: decarbonisation of our clients' activities and their facilities as well as our own operations.
- Commitments for the benefit of our territories and our teams: creating employment opportunities, integration, and professional qualification in the territories; giving all our colleagues the same opportunities to develop their talents and to flourish within Equans.
1. We deliver operational excellence.
- Our goal is to be the reference company delivering best-in-class operational performance, designing, building, maintaining or operating to create and share added value with and for our customers..
- Our success is the long-term partnership we build with our clients, our partners and our suppliers , based on trust, respectful of our commitments.
2. We commit to safety, ethics and cybersecurity.
Within our decentralized organization, each employee is deeply committed to respect and promote at the highest level our 3 "must-have":
- Everybody to return home safely.
- Lead by example ensuring best practices in Ethics with all our stakeholders.
- Cybersecurity to protect our clients’ data and ours.
3. We improve our clients’ environmental footprint.
We are committed to be proactive to decarbonize our clients’ operations : decarbonized energy, cooling and heating, electrification, transport and storage of electricity and better use of this energy in buildings and infrastructures.
In Brussels, Equans is responsible for the cooling and electrical installations of the new BNP Paribas Fortis headquarters.
Our teams also installed a photovoltaic park on the roof of the financial institution's logistics building, a large part of whose production will be used for its operations.
As a result, 140 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year are avoided.
4. We improve our own environmental footprint
- We are committed to improve our carbon, waste, water & biodiversity footprint and those of our suppliers : offices, sites, transportation.
- We invest in innovations and technologies to drive environnemental transition.
SBTi has validated our climate targets in 2024
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has officially validated our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets for 2030 vs. our baseline in 2023 :
- -42% for our direct GHG emissions, mainly due to fuel combustion in our vehicles and buildings (scope 1), and for our indirect GHG emissions linked to energy used on site, such as electricity and heat (scope 2);
- -68% for GHG emissions per MWh produced by electricity and heat production for our customers;
- -52% for our indirect GHG emissions upstream (e.g. supply chain) and downstream (e.g. use of products sold).
This recognition confirms that our targets are in line with the rigorous SBTi criteria and ranks our ambition in line with the 1.5°C trajectory set by the Paris Agreement.
5. We engage in our communities development
Deeply rooted in our communities, we are a proactive and responsible local economic actor. by creating jobs and providing professional qualifications.
In Belgium, Equans has developed the COT (Create Our Technicians) project, to train internal and external profiles tailored to the skills required for a contract. The project is coordinated by the Equans Academy.
6. We provide fair & equal opportunities for all.
- It is our responsibility to give everyone the same chance to express and develop their potential and talent.
- We are proud to promote a strong culture of diversity and inclusion at all levels of the company.
Equans France is committed to fighting sexism and promoting professional equality:
- Creation and management of a network of 75 sexism referents.
- Nearly 2,400 people have been trained in the fight against sexism since 2020.
- 31 training and awareness sessions on professional equality organised in 2021.
- 10 e-learning modules accessible to all.
In 2022, Equans Netherlands signed a partnership with The Refugee Talent Hub, a Dutch NGO that connects employers and refugees to promote equal opportunities for refugees in the labour market. This is in line with Equans' ambition to be a recognised employer of talent and also to provide a safe and free working environment for its employees.
7. We share fruits of success.
- We want our employees to be proud of their achievements and to foster sense of belonging.
- We share the fruits of our performance, thanks to success sharing mechanisms rewarding strong individual and collective achievements.