Young talents

At Equans, whether you're an intern, apprentice, VIE or recent graduate, expect to put a lot of energy to express your passion!

Stamp proud to make it real
Smiling happy young woman talking with male colleagues at shared workplace
Young graduates

Graduate Programs: a customised accelerated journey

At Equans, we take pride in being able to offer around a hundred opportunities worldwide every year, combining mobility with rapid skill and network development.

Through three 6-month missions or multiple missions ranging from 12 to 36 months, you will explore several of our areas of expertise through a personalized mobility journey. Currently, four out of our twenty countries offer this type of program: France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.
International experience

Our V.I.E: international experience with a global Group

Equans offers Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E) in collaboration with Business France, the national agency dedicated to internationalizing the French economy. These missions are:
- Ranging from 6 to 24 months.
- Tailored for young graduates aged 22 to 28.
- Adapted to the candidate's preferences and the Group's needs.

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.

Read our VIE testimonials

Shot of Female Industrial Worker in the Hard Hat Walking Through Heavy Industry Manufacturing Factory. In the Background Various Metalwork Project Parts
Developping key skills in strategic areas

Internships and apprenticeships

Equans views apprenticeship as the most effective way to find and develop key skills in our strategic areas. Opportunities are available at all levels, from technicians to engineers, and for all functions, whether operational or support.
Our ability to take on trainees in all expertises offers an endless list of motivating, formative assignments that allow students to discover our business while receiving appropriate support.

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.
Building future talent community

Schools relations

In order to build its future talent community, Equans is forging close ties with schools, colleges and universities. We work closely with the educational ecosystem, and all of our managers are involved in the students' careers to promote our business and create a strong and lasting relationship.

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.
  • Pierre M.


  • Paul B.

    Czech Republic

  • Margot G.


Employer brand


Discover our new employer brand campaign

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.

Why join us

Working at Equans means ensuring operational excellence
Illustration of Why join us

Who are we

Equans is a world leader in the energy and services sector with offices in 20 countries.
Illustration of Who are we

Our jobs

More than 3000 open positions in 20 countries
Illustration of Our jobs