Working at Equans and growing together

Connecting our people to great roles; ongoing and high quality development and a long and successful career at Equans.

refrigeration technicians
Grow together

Proud to make it real

For EQUANS, the human qualities of our employees are as important as their technical skills. At EQUANS, values are essential and determine our decisions and actions. They are based on safety, ethics and operational excellence.

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.
technicians talking

Expertise & Excellence

Equans supports its experts in their development towards excellence in all of our businesses and in particular in our 1,200 areas of expertise grouped into 6 categories:
Digital & ICT
Facility Management
Mechanical & Robotics
Refrigeration & Fire Protection

Every day, we strive to progress, innovate and integrate new know-how. This richness is recognised and sought after by our clients.
It allows each person to develop in their own field and to progress thanks to our development tools such as exchanges between experts, mentoring, welcoming new talent and training.

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.

Index 2024 Gender Equality - Equans SAS

Score : 91 points out of 100
Indicator 1: Gender pay gap: 36 points
Indicator 2: Gap in the rate of individual pay rises: 35 points
Indicator 3: % of women receiving pay rises on return from maternity leave: 15 points
Indicator 4: Number of women and men among the 10 highest earners: 5 points

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.
woman and man working at equans
Employer brand


Discover our new employer brand campaign

Geometric Structure Icon An abstract geometric structure with green and yellow sections.

Why join us

Working at Equans means ensuring operational excellence
Illustration of Why join us

Who are we

Equans is a world leader in the energy and services sector with offices in 20 countries.
Illustration of Who are we

Our jobs

More than 3000 open positions in 20 countries
Illustration of Our jobs